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DTS Surround Music

2014-05-08T21:23:48+00:00January 8th, 2011|Audio, Features|

It seems that the record label industry has gone "format-happy". Perhaps "format-crazy" is a more appropriate term. The introduction of all of the new audio formats has left us at Toronto HiFi scratching our heads. Most [...]

Digital Amplifiers

2014-05-08T21:24:15+00:00January 8th, 2011|Audio, Features|

Digital technology has the ability to make good products better. It gives us the opportunity to develop previously unthinkable devices and reinvent analog products as digital ones of smaller size that have offer increased functionality and [...]

Wireless Lifestyle

2014-05-08T21:21:58+00:00January 8th, 2011|Audio, Features|

Wires are a great medium for the most part. They provide solid, interference-free connections between today's electronic devices. Different types of wires can carry analogue and digital signals, and of course electricity. Without wires, life would [...]

Made in Canada! Part 2 of 3

2014-05-15T13:34:38+00:00January 8th, 2011|Beginner Articles, Features|

Part one of our survey of Canadian manufacturers covered Anthem, Axiom Audio, Bryston, Classé Audio, Gutwire, Magnum Dynalab, Paradigm, Totem and SimAudio. There's at least twenty left to cover. Part two will concentrate on speaker manufacturers. [...]