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HDTV Primer

2014-05-14T23:45:59+00:00January 13th, 2011|Features, Video|

Television goes digital For a technology that has been around and virtually unchanged for 50 years, television is making huge leaps in quality and features. According to published sources, colour was added to television in 1953. [...]

Digital Television

2014-05-14T23:46:24+00:00January 13th, 2011|Features, Video|

Digital technology is the reason why modern large screen televisions can be hung like a picture on the wall. It is also the reason why you can take your music collection in your pocket anywhere you [...]

HDScape Blu-ray Discs

2014-05-15T00:05:14+00:00January 13th, 2011|Features, Video|

I love to entertain regularly at my house, whether it's a family get-together or an evening of cocktails with friends. Consequently I'm always on the look out for fresh ideas to keep my guests entertained. Naturally, [...]

Home Theater PCs (HTPCs)

2014-05-15T00:05:28+00:00January 13th, 2011|Features, Video|

Did your home theater system crash again while watching your favorite DVD? Just hit the reset button! Welcome to the age of the living room PC. That was hopefully a joke, not a foresight into the [...]

Axiom Audio

2014-05-15T13:46:11+00:00January 13th, 2011|Features, Meet the Manufacturer|

Call it Ontario's little secret. Driving along scenic Highway 60, chances are you'd never notice it; Axiom Audio that is. Hidden behind tall trees, its appearance fits right in with the architecture of the small town. [...]