Tube Magic: An Introduction to Tube Amplifiers and How They Compare To Solid State Amplifiers
It is now well known that turntables are making quite a strong comeback in the world of high-end audio. What is less well known is that a stable mate of turntables during their golden age, tubes, [...]
The Art of Listening – How Do You Connect With Music? PLUS Key Qualities You Should Look for in an Audio System
Did you know that your audio system can affect the kind of music you listen to? As an extreme example, consider the tricked out Honda Civic with massive subwoofers cruising down the high street. No way [...]
Choosing a Compact Speaker System to Complement your HDTV + Suggested Quality Compact Speaker Systems
HDTVs are now the norm in a vast majority of North American households but without the immersive sound to accompany that high-definition picture, you may as well be watching an old Charlie Chaplin movie (not that [...]
Bits & Bytes – Digital Music Demystified. An Introduction to Digital Music Playback
In the beginning, there was only live music. By 1877 Thomas Edison recorded a vocal rendition of “Mary Had A Little Lamb” on his phonograph and in time came analogue recordings on vinyl and tape. Today, [...]
Headphone Amplifier Buyer’s Guide (Includes Headphone Amp Suggestions)
When I use the term "headphone amplifier" in front of people I usually get a blank stare or a reaction like I’ve just spoken Martian. If you’d react in such a way, read on – hopefully [...]
Eliminating Unwanted Audio and Video Noise
It’s an exciting day as you rush home eager to try out that new audio or video component that you just purchased. After taking time to carefully hook up the new gear and double checking that [...]