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British Brand Cyrus Audio Now Available In Canada

2013-10-25T09:48:58+00:00October 25th, 2013|Home|

Kevro International Inc, the North American distributor for Monitor Audio, Tributaries and Clarus, has just added the British Cyrus Audio brand to its portfolio of audio products.  The company will official launch and demonstrate Cyrus Audio [...]

Coincident Speaker Technology – New Tube Products

2013-10-24T23:12:17+00:00October 24th, 2013|Home|

Coincident Speaker Technology has just released several new tubed electronics components that will operate with loudspeakers of moderate-to-high efficiency.  These new components include: the Coincident Statement RC (Remote Control) Line Stage, the Coincident Turbo 845 SE Integrated Tube [...]