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Samsung GALAXY Gear Smart Watch

2013-09-09T13:07:44+00:00September 9th, 2013|Home|

Are smart watches going to be the next big thing in personal electronics?  An increasing number of start-up electronics manufacturers seem to think so, as does Samsung.  Samsung's GALAXY Gear smart watch is the company's answer [...]

TVFrame Custom-Made TV Frames

2013-08-14T16:33:35+00:00August 14th, 2013|Home|

  TV bezels have gotten significantly smaller and sleeker looking over the past few years, but they can still look rather out of place in many rooms.  TVFrame is a Canadian manufacturer that would be pleased [...]

Muzik Socially Connected Smart Headphones

2013-08-08T08:18:42+00:00August 8th, 2013|Home|

The headphone category has just become “smart” with the launch of the Muzik Socially Connected Smart Headphones.  Muzik, founded by disruptive innovator, Jason Hardi, is pioneering a new space called Social Smartware, coined to describe the [...]