Musical Fidelity V90-DAC

2013-06-10T09:35:46+00:00June 10th, 2013|Home|

Musical Fidelity has just release a new budget, no-frills, performance-focused digtial-to-analog convertor - their V90-DAC.  The V90-DAC is small and compact to reduce costs on materials and shipping and put more of the cost into raising performance.  Muscial Fidelity [...]

Griffin Technology WoodTones Headphones

2013-06-03T08:52:10+00:00June 3rd, 2013|Home|

Griffin Technology has just released its WoodTones over-the-ear headphones which utilize real wood enclosures in a perfect marriage of design and sound quality.  Griffin claims that its new headphones offer a warm acoustics and enhanced sound [...]