Neat Acoutics – New Motive SX Series

2013-10-16T09:23:43+00:00October 16th, 2013|Home|

Neat Acoustics has just released their new Motive SX Series line of loudspeakers.  The Motive SX Series are successors to Neat Acoustics' Motive Series, which has been in production for eight years.  The new Motive SX Series brings an extra layer of [...]

Audeze LCD-X and LCD-XC Headphones

2013-10-10T08:24:05+00:00October 10th, 2013|Home|

Audeze is unveiling two new headphones at the upcoming Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver.  The two new headphones are the Audeze LCD-X and LCD-XC.  Both new headphones depart from Audeze's current product offerings in that they [...]

Rotel RDD-1580 DAC

2013-10-08T07:51:18+00:00October 8th, 2013|Home|

  Rotel Electronics, has just introduced a new digital-to-analog converter (DAC) - the RDD-1580.  The new RDD-1580 uses a pair of Wolfson WM8740 stereo DAC chips to ensure low noise and distortion. The RDD-1580 provides flexibility with a front panel USB input for Apple [...]