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Burmester 101 Integrated Amplifier and B10 Loudspeakers: Living in Luxury

2015-10-09T13:13:21+00:00October 9th, 2015|2-Channel Amps, Preamps, Reviews, Speakers and Subwoofers|

In contrast to the norm of planned obsolescence and throwaway products that runs rampant in this day and age, you will find that Burmester Audiosysteme adheres to a refreshingly different school of thought. Their audio offerings [...]

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Digital Music Player Shopping Guide: Everything You Need To Know To Find a Player Within Your Budget

2015-10-09T13:03:16+00:00October 9th, 2015|Audio, Audio Components, Buyer Guides, Features|

Every music listener on the planet has an opinion on the merits of digital verses analogue audio. This debate started in the 80’s and rages on to this day, with each camp sticking firmly to their [...]

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Angie’s Audio Corner 3rd Anniversary

2015-08-09T13:01:02+00:00August 9th, 2015|Home|

CANADA HiFi Magazine Angie's Audio Corner is a high-end audio dealer/retailer located in Richmond Hill, Ontario at 12261 Yonge Street. On Friday, July 24th Angie's Audio Corner celebrated its 3rd Anniversary and if this was sports, [...]

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