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OLED – The Next Revolution in TVs: The Benefits of OLED TVs and Who’s Making Them

2016-07-21T15:41:02+00:00July 17th, 2015|Audio Video Technology, Buyer Guides, Features, TVs and Projectors, Video|

If you are old enough to remember the days when anything over 21 inches was considered to be a big screen TV, then you will also most likely remember that even those 21-inch Cathode Ray Tube [...]

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Yamaha A-S801 Integrated Amplifier Review

2015-07-17T15:52:13+00:00July 17th, 2015|2-Channel Amps, Preamps, Reviews|

Yamaha knows music. This company encompasses every aspect of the musical process from education, instruments, and pro recording, to a staggering array of diversified consumer products. Their recently introduced flagship integrated A-S3000 challenged high-end territory, but [...]

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AKIKO AUDIO Powercord HQ Review

2015-07-07T14:32:47+00:00July 7th, 2015|Cables, Home, Reviews|

Sometime ago, I came across a most interesting product – a Tuning Stick made by a company from the Netherlands, Akiko Audio (    The Akiko Audio Tuning Sticks proved to be much more than a curiosity, [...]

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AV Receiver Shopping Guide: Selecting the Perfect AV Receiver For Your Space

2015-06-23T16:56:07+00:00June 23rd, 2015|Audio Components, Buyer Guides, Features|

As high fidelity components, receivers had relatively humble beginnings. They were essentially intended to be a compromise for those who didn’t have the space or the funds for separate components. Receivers long predate multi-channel digital surround [...]

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VPI Scout Turntable Review

2015-06-15T23:06:29+00:00June 15th, 2015|Reviews, Turntables and Cartridges|

My earliest memories of music listening involve a turntable. In the mid-70’s, as a young child (I date myself), my father had one of those huge console stereo cabinets, a Capehart console - Google it and [...]

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