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Chord Mojo Headphone Amp / DAC – Available

2015-11-17T15:21:01+00:00November 17th, 2015|Home|

Bluebird Music, the North American distributor of Chord Electronics products, has just announced the immediate availability of the new Chord Mojo portable headphone amp/DAC. The new Mojo was recently shown / demonstrated at the TAVES CES [...]

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How Bryston Got Into the Loudspeaker Business – An Interview with James Tanner

2015-11-10T21:29:34+00:00November 9th, 2015|Audio, Features, Meet the Manufacturer|

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure to met face-to-face with James Tanner, the VP of Sales & Marketing at Bryston, to discuss the history behind the company’s loudspeaker business. DSB: “Why did Bryston decide to [...]

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Outfitting an Audio System with Nordost Norse 2 Tyr 2 Cables and QRT QBASE Power Distribution

2015-11-09T12:42:33+00:00November 9th, 2015|Audio, Cables, Features, Power Conditioning Gear, Reviews|

Many decisions need to be undertaken in the quest to assemble a high quality hifi or home theatre system and CANADA HiFi buyer guides can play an instrumental role in helping you make the right choices.  [...]

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Tomorrow – the TAVES Consumer Electronics Show Begins – Buy Your Ticket Online and Save!

2015-10-29T12:23:36+00:00October 29th, 2015|Home|

Canada's hottest consumer electronics show will open its doors tomorrow!  The show runs from Friday, Oct. 30 to Sunday, Nov.1.  This year's TAVES Consumer Electronics Show is set to feature the largest number of exhibitors and [...]

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Bowers & Wilkins Zeppelin Wireless Speaker

2015-10-22T00:16:09+00:00October 22nd, 2015|Home|

Bowers & Wilkins (B & W), has just now announced the successor of their very successful Zeppelin loudspeaker dock - the new Zeppelin Wireless. Zeppelin Wireless retains the very recognizable silhouette of its predecessor; however, beyond [...]

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