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TV Shopping Guide: Finding the Perfect TV For You. Examining the latest tech and features offered by LG, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic and VIZIO TVs

2015-06-12T22:46:09+00:00June 12th, 2015|Buyer Guides, TVs and Projectors|

Today’s televisions are leaps and bounds beyond what the first cathode ray tube sets were, containing everything from quad-core processors to gyroscope-equipped remotes with voice-recognition capabilities. The pursuit for the highest picture quality to rival that [...]

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Aardvark Boutique Audio – LAUNCH EVENT

2015-05-15T18:03:55+00:00May 15th, 2015|Home|

On Tuesday May MAY 26 @ 8:00PM, Aardvark Boutique Audio will be launching their all-new store with a lovely musical evening event that is open free to the public. All those interested in, curious or even [...]

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Paradigm Concept 4F Loudspeaker Revealed!

2015-05-13T21:22:06+00:00May 14th, 2015|Home|

Paradigm has just revealed a loudspeaker concept at the Munich show in Germany that's unlike any other we've seen from the company.  Is it a speaker from the future or a piece of art?  Maybe it's [...]

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Montreal Audio Show | Salon Son & Image 2015 Edition – Show Highlights by Suave Kajko Part 2

2015-05-06T18:21:14+00:00April 26th, 2015|Audio Video Show Coverage, Features|

NordostCable and accessory manufacturer Nordost is always happy to show off and demonstrate its products at audio shows.  At the Montreal show, the company had a booth right at the entrance of the show, in addition [...]

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Montreal Audio Show | Salon Son & Image 2015 Edition – Show Highlights by George de Sa Part 2

2015-04-26T00:19:04+00:00April 25th, 2015|Audio Video Show Coverage, Features|

Sony was showcasing a plethora of products at SSI this year. In the Personal Audio Zone, they had a table where they were demoing and displaying their mobile and lifestyle audio products including their all new [...]

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Montreal Audio Show | Salon Son & Image 2015 Edition – Show Highlights by George de Sa Part 1

2015-04-26T12:25:10+00:00April 24th, 2015|Audio Video Show Coverage, Features|

Oh, Montreal, a city full of fun and ever more so with the return of the 2015 Montreal Audio Show | Salon Son & Image (SSI) show.   SSI was held, once again, at the Bonaventure Hotel [...]

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Montreal Audio Show | Salon Son & Image 2015 Edition – Show Highlights by Suave Kajko Part 1

2015-04-30T20:20:57+00:00April 21st, 2015|Audio Video Show Coverage, Features|

Every year, the beginning of spring is celebrated by Canadian audio enthusiasts at the Montreal Audio Show / Salon Son & Image. Similarly, every year George de Sa and I (Suave Kajko) embark on the short [...]

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