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Blue Horizon Profono Phono Preamplifier

2012-03-22T08:00:15+00:00March 22nd, 2012|Home|

Blue Horizon has announced their new affordable Profono MM/MC phono preamplifier. The Profono is a discrete analogue turntable cartridge amplifier that is installed between your turntable and pre-amplifier / integrated amplifier. Blue Horizon claims they have [...]

SIM2 M.150 3D LED Projector

2012-03-01T09:39:25+00:00March 1st, 2012|Home|

Reported to be the first active 3D LED projector, the just officially released SIM2 M.150 projector was recently shown for the first time at last weeks Bristol Show in the U.K. A huge benefit of the [...]

PBN Audio’s Pennywise DIY Speaker

2011-08-17T10:09:17+00:00August 17th, 2011|Home|

PBN, a loudspeaker company, has just introduced a new do-it-yourself (DIY) loudspeaker kit. Their new Pennywise series provides plans, parts and/or cabinets for the buyer to build their own high-quality loudspeaker. The company claims that the [...]

The Pros and Cons of Ribbon Tweeters

2011-05-24T08:25:07+00:00May 24th, 2011|Home|

Understanding The Pros and Cons of Ribbon Tweeters   Loudspeakers divide their output into frequency bands. Typically they will have one or more large drive units to cover the low (bass) frequencies, and a single smaller [...]