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CEntrance Audiophile Desktop Bundle

2012-01-05T23:08:19+00:00January 5th, 2012|Home|

CEntrance, Inc. will be introducing its new Audiophile Desktop product bundle at CES in January 2012. The system inclues a stereo pair of MasterClass 2504 desktop 2-way coaxial speakers, DACmini PX desktop amplifier and DAC packaged [...]

Pass Labs Xs Amplifier Series

2012-01-04T13:12:34+00:00January 4th, 2012|Home|

Pass Labs is set to introduce its new Xs-300 and Xs–150 amplifiers, the first models in a new generation of Xs Series amplifiers, at CES 2012. The new amps are designed to measure well objectively and, [...]