Headphone Amplifier Buyer’s Guide (Includes Headphone Amp Suggestions)

2015-03-03T15:24:23+00:00March 5th, 2012|Audio, Buyer Guides, Features, Portable Audio (Headphones, Earphones, Amps, DACs)|

When I use the term "headphone amplifier" in front of people I usually get a blank stare or a reaction like I’ve just spoken Martian. If you’d react in such a way, read on – hopefully [...]

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DAC Buyer Guide | Digital to Analog Converter Buyer Guide (Includes various DAC recommendations)

2015-03-03T15:10:43+00:00October 24th, 2011|Audio Components, Buyer Guides|

It was only a few short years ago that I recall a local group of audio enthusiasts who got together for cold beverage sampling and auditioning of hi-fi audio gear.  As a new audio system was [...]

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